
Delivery to the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Delivery to the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

We would like to remind you that the "10"£ Delivery" promotion in the UK ends on January 31st.

But here’s some great news 🎉 Due to popular demand and to support the growth of our region, we are extending a reduced delivery price for you.

For the next three months, delivery will cost only 12.5 £ 🚚 (instead of 15 £).

Don’t forget that delivery to pick-up points in the UK costs just 2 £ 🏷️, and the minimum quantity for shipping is 5 orders.

To answer a frequently asked question:
Yes, we deliver to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 💌 The delivery terms for these regions are the same as for England.

With care,
The Mihi Team 🤍

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